
十大电竞游戏综合排名的基因里就有大胆. 从1889年建国开始, we have been unafraid to question what it means to be educated and what the future holds for women. 

Yet to meet the challenges of our current moment, we must rise beyond boldness and move fearlessly into the future.

气候危机等变化, 人工智能革命, and political polarization seem to have created a future in flux. But our redoubled commitment to preparing our students to be leaders and trailblazers will allow Barnard to meet and exceed these challenges. 

在接下来的十年里, Barnard will lead into the future with five foundations for a strengthened campus community and an elevated impact. 

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  • 培养真实的智力. The meteoric growth of artificial intelligence promises to change work and learning as we know it. To empower our students to embrace the opportunities of tomorrow, we will develop campus-wide standards of AI literacy. 但随着我们与新技术的接触, we also lead with our liberal arts roots, which uniquely empower Barnard students to approach AI with creativity, 分析, and intelligence that’s anything but artificial. 
  • 学术创新. While we remain true to our history as a liberal arts college, we also think expansively about what a modern education should be. Barnard course offerings of the future will increase opportunities where students need them most, from better accessibility in STEM education to co-curricular engagement and hands-on learning. Building on our strengths and diverging from our peers, we’ll continue to emphasize education in spaces that have not historically been gender inclusive. 
  • 达到净零. Climate change already impacts the health of our living and working environment—without swift action, those impacts will only increase in the coming years. For the health and safety of our community, we must reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. Building on the ongoing work of our resident sustainability experts, we will completely transform our campus consumption by switching to renewable energy systems, 发展我们的社区伙伴关系, 强调循环. 
  • 提倡包容. To strengthen our commitment to access, Barnard will announce its 首个贷款减免计划 2024年秋天. This will open doors to a Barnard education for more students in the middle class and ensure that Barnard continues to be a place where extraordinary young women can thrive, no matter their background or ability to pay. We will continue to approach the future with a deep commitment to diversity, 股本, 和包容, and with innovation to create uninhibited belonging for our diverse community.
  • 接受性别. Now more than ever, navigating our world requires a critical understanding of gender. We redouble our commitment to the heart of Barnard’s mission: engaging with gender in all its complexity and empowering young women to pursue their passions. 利用我们丰富的历史, we will continue to be the top thought leaders on gender and everything it impacts: reproductive health, 技术, 气候变化, 政治参与, 和更多的.
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  • 不同意更好. 广泛的政治两极分化, 网络恶意话语, and momentous global events have collided to bring us to a vital juncture in our history. We cannot continue on this trajectory—our education and our lives are at stake. 立即开始, Barnard is creating programming and teaching resources that put engaged pluralism first. 在一起, we will develop skills for respectful dialogue to build a more harmonious future.  
  • 培养社区. The wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has left our country, 尤其是年轻人, 在孤独流行病中. 在这一刻, 我们的社会, 情感, and mental wellness depend on our ability to create opportunities for relationship building, 加强传统, 社区参与. 女子学院, 在它们的核心, understand the value a supportive network has for well-being and learning. Reinvestment in community is the natural response to our tense world and our hope for a more connected future.  
  • 很好. Alongside the opening of the new Francine LeFrak Foundation Center for Well-Being, Barnard will stand out as a leader in campus wellness. Robust programming and support for wellness—mentally, 身体上的, 在财务上, 智力, socially—will empower our community members to reach their highest potential and to take ownership of their health. Without wellness, we can’t achieve any other goal of our mission. To meet the demands they will face as tomorrow’s leaders, or to engage with one another at the highest levels of understanding and compassion, 我们的学生必须从健康开始. 
  • 加强我们的联系. 我们的纽约根基造就了今天的我们. Barnard students are enriched by the city, 学术上和社会上, but the future of their relationship to New York depends on Barnard’s engagement as a good neighbor. Bolstered community partnerships—especially local partnerships in Harlem and Morningside Heights—will help us to engage with care and give as much to New York as we gain from it. These partnerships will widen our understanding of our campus community and our students’ understanding of themselves. 
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Investing in Infrastructures of Excellence

  • 利用技术. To get to excellence, we cannot be bogged down by inefficient tech and stifled communications. Best-in-class systems—and the training to use them well—will enable our staff to do more and go further within the same time, while a robust data warehouse will allow for centralized information and increased collaboration across departments.
  • 优化我们的基础设施. Ten years from now, every one of our buildings will better reflect and promote our amazing community. 穿过校园, 我们会解决泄密问题, 加热和冷却缺陷, and other issues caused by aging infrastructure. Modernizing our buildings and dorms is an essential step toward our sustainability goals and toward a campus environment that actively supports our community well-being.
  • 提高可访问性. As we work to become a campus that is comprehensively inclusive, our campus must be designed for accessibility rather than accommodating of disability. We commit to going above and beyond guidelines, creating an infrastructure that works for all of us. 
  • 提升生活空间. For our students, Barnard isn’t just school or work—it’s home. It should also be a space where students feel fully comfortable to rest and recharge so that they can thrive mentally, 身体上的, 和学术. We can do better to provide the home our students deserve, and upgrading our living facilities is the place to start. 
  • 做好准备. As we aim for the best, we will prepare to withstand the worst. Now is the time for dynamic planning, to ensure that all our systems are resilient in emergencies. Preventative measures against cybersecurity threats, 抗环境风险, and flexibility in other disruptions are paramount so that Barnard’s mission can thrive for years to come. 
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  • 合而为一. Although we all bring different perspectives to the table, we are united as OneBarnard. We aim to foster a spirit of partnership and collegiality in everything we do, recognizing our shared investment in what Barnard can be. 
  • 弥合差距. Breaking down administrative silos will allow us to save time by sharing information, opening our doors to the creativity that collaboration brings. Creativity and togetherness will drive us forward into the future, and they will make the process of moving forward joyful for everyone involved. Whenever possible, we will use our shared data to work together across sectors of the College. 
  • 共同的关怀. Barnard’s campus and resources are ours, collectively. That shared ownership comes with a shared stewardship — it is up to each of us to treat our campus with respect and maintain our systems. We aim to make visible the role that each of us has to play and the impact each of us has on our campus ecosystem. 要做到这一点, every community member will invest in clear, collaborative processes to keep Barnard operating at its best.  
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  • 增加捐赠. 十大电竞游戏综合排名是建立在一个想法上的, not an endowment—and we’ve historically been a savvy institution, 少花钱多办事. But a stronger endowment will serve as an investment in the future, providing resources for new initiatives and progressive educational opportunities. 在一起, we will take on a fundraising campaign to reach our first $1 billion in the endowment by the end of the decade.
  • 管理我们的资源. 细心的, effective use of our current resources will create space for a successful fundraising campaign. Alongside our careful use of current funds, we’ll explore new revenue opportunities in areas that align with the College’s mission and values. With these combined approaches, newly fundraised dollars will have maximum impact. 
  • 保护我们的未来. Barnard’s endowment is the surest custodian of mission-critical programs, including financial aid and scholarships. Growing our endowment will further secure these programs so that generations of future Barnard students can access an education that empowers.

These foundations are a collective vision, built from months of community conversations and the efforts of our students, 教师, and staff to Shape Barnard’s Future 在一起. 同样的, these foundations will be a collective achievement when we go out and accomplish them together.